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Political News - INEC, Kogi West Sen' Re-run elections

INEC, Kogi West Sen' Re-run elections The Independence National Electoral Commission made a press release today 21st November 2019 and fixed 30th Nov 2019 for the


Total AFCON QUALIFIER STANDINGS The regulatory body for the ongoing Total AFCON Qualifying Matches, CAF has released the standings of the #TotalAFCONQ2021 after the completion of Matchday 2 

Health News: Couple Diagnosed With Lung Cancer Just Five Weeks Apart

Couple Diagnosed With Lung Cancer Just Five Weeks Apart Lisa and Seth Doyle say they’ve had their share of hardships during their 35-year marriage, but few challenges compare to the devastating diagnosis they both received just weeks apart. Lisa was diagnosed with stage three lung cancer in July after several bouts of bronchitis that wouldn’t go away. Then, just five weeks later, her husband, Seth, was also diagnosed with lung cancer after his face started sagging and he suffered memory loss.

Political News

Republicans assail security aide who reported Trump call WASHINGTON (AP) — A career Army officer on Donald Trump’s National Security Council testified Tuesday he was duty-bound to object to the president’s clearly “improper” phone call seeking Ukrainian investigations of U.S. Democrats. Republicans answered him with doubts about his loyalty to the United States.


Nigeria Union of Teachers Plead With Kaduna Teachers To Shelve Planned Protest over Unpaid Salaries The Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), Kaduna state wing, on Friday urged teachers yet to receive their salaries to exercise patience.

Political News

UK PRIME MINISTER - BORIS JOHNSON EU States Disagree on Length of Brexit Delay as Clock Ticks Down