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Showing posts from January 10, 2018

NEWS: 93 Battalion Troops of the Nigerian Army arrest 9 Gang Members - Benue Killings

93 Battalion Troops of the Nigerian Army arrest 9 Gang Members - Benue Killings

TECHNOLOGY: Fox Sports expands World Cup coverage to Twitter and Snapchat

Fox Sports is no stranger to leveraging the power of technology alongside its broadcasts. Now, it's expanding its coverage of the

ENTERTAINMENT: Golden Globes Award were joyfully political this year: EW review

Golden Globes AWARD were Joyfully Political This Year: EW review Must everything mean something? The Golden Globes rose to prominence as the fizzy alternative to the pageantry of Hollywood’s prizegiving Academies. More or less hostless until 2010, the show spent the first half of this decade fronted by Ricky Gervais and then by the Tina Fey/Amy Poehler dynamic duo. Love them or hate him, the collective comedy assault evolved the awards show from a boozily casual get-together into a boozily self-aware cultural event. The Globes have never had the built-in prestige of Hollywood’s trophy-granting Academies, but that meant the atmosphere could feel loose, free of the anxiety of history.